Monday, March 14, 2011

An update on my list

The delay has been longer than anticipated.  My guess is I will be back to my normal posting-self (with pictures too) in about two weeks.

My gyno appointment went well, I was able to get the 3rd size dilator in.  However, it was extremely uncomfortable and I was sore for days after.  Now that I am looser in the offending area, I feel the muscle spasms, he said I was having, almost everyday.  So instead of only provoked pain, I have uncomfortability (word? I don't know) shooting from offending area down my right leg. 

Painting is still happening, but today should be the last day, if not, definitely tomorrow.

The vet appointment was hard.  As it turned out, my cat, Mousey, had ungloved the tip of his tail.  Leaving only a few muscle tendons and some uncovered bone, so the vet had to snip the tip off.  His tail is now 1/2 an inch shorter.  And poor Mousey will never grow hair on the very tip again.  However, it is healing well.

Moving should commence this Saturday, however, that will give me very little time to give a regular update, so I am setting a goal to finish the showing love series two weeks from now.

Hope you are all have a painless or less painful day.

1 comment:

  1. This is Carrie (vulvarvestibulitis). I finally and firmly believe that vaginismus is my correct diagnosis so I changed my site address yet again :) haha...

    Way to go on getting up to the third dilator! That is HUGE progress for you! I just ordered a set of dilators last night...we shall see how it goes.
